About - The Story

Sam: Hi, my name is Sam Fleming.

Producer: That’s a good start.

Sam: When I was a wee babe I….

Producer: You can stop using that Scottish accent.

Sam: Fine! (Rolls eyes) When I was a child I used to listen to radio programs.
Those were the days when I realized I had a vivid imagination.

Producer: Can we be a little less detailed? Like…can you JUST tell us the story?
Sixty-seconds is all you have to grab your viewer’s/listener’s attention.

Sam: Okay, well when I was young I listened to radio programs. I started playing
with voice-over as a hobby. In 2008 I worked as a voice actor on a indie Lego film.
That started me on this journey.

Producer: You did audiobooks too, right?

Sam: Yep.

Producer: Ummm How many?!

Sam: I’ve done over 50 Audiobooks. Then I coached with some top professionals, spent
way too many hours in a rectangle box…And…

Producer: Sam…Sssssssam!

Sam: Needless to say, people think I talk to myself. However, I’m really recording eLearning,
Commercials, Explainer Videos, Voicemails, Audiobooks and so much more.

Producer: How can people get in touch with you?

Sam: That Form Thingy down at the bottom, or by phone! 🙂



In all seriousness though. Most people ask me how I got into voice acting, and I tell them ALL the same thing…”I googled it”. Now, most of you are laughing! That’s exactly what I did though. I plugged into a few training sources, and the rest is history. Booth 1.0 was sturdy, unbreakable, solid…you get the point…it was a good studio. Booth 2.0 (my current booth) is a 4X6 Whisperroom. As time has progressed I’ve upgraded to higher end equipment and made sure that my voice over game is 100%! Plus, I’ve had the honor to serve many clients with direct connection to my studio via ISDN, IPDTL, Source Connect, Skype, and Phone patches. This is a fun, and exciting journey for me, and there is so much more for me to share with the world.


Producer: Sam, I’ve got a new project for you. How soon can you turn it around?

Sam: Now!